What Makes Us Better Podcast can be found on your local Podcast sites, (Podbean, Spotify, etc if you search P31FS) or select it below.
Student Comments
A few comments from an anonymous student evaluation:
2020 - Women's program
This was a wonderful and fun class and I love my instructors!! Thank you so very much.
Loving this class and our instructor. I look forward to class every weekend.
I love this class. Helps me out alot and I look forward to this class. Thank you
I loved this course so much I plan on bringing my daughters to these classes and I hope it helps them too like it has me in so many ways.
2019 - Women's Program
I love this class! It really has taught me alot! I thank-you for "How" you teach and "what" you teach.
Thank you for poring into us. I really enjoy the class and the instruction.
Our teacher made the material interesting and easy to follow. I thoroughly enjoyed her classes.
I love the way you present this information; my grand-mother raised me and instilled these qualities in me as a child...Having them refreshed in my mind brings me back to better happier times. Thank you.
2018 - Women's Program
Very informative and instructive. I had almost forgot some of these things.
This will help me out in the future and to walk with God.
This was very helpful to me on reentering society as a respected lady.
Ms Becker was very professional and easy to understand. Nice job!
2017 - Men's program:
Job training helped show me how to prepare for future interviews
I enjoyed the class. It was informatively good for me. The teacher did a good job keeping my attention.
I really thank you for coming. It was an informative class, thank you.
"You can help any woman learn to love herself more and walk in the right direction. I know if I had valued my life and felt better about ME, I would have made better healthy after decisions for myself."
"Thank you for taking the time to come and teach this to us! You're a very sunny and sptimistic woman! You can see and hear that you carry God with you everywhere you go!"
"This lady is amazing and is very good at what she does. I appreciate her coming here to teach us classes. It helped me a lot."
"..You can help any woman learn to love herself more and walk in the right direction. I know if I have valued my life and felt better about me, I would have made better healthy safer decisions for myself."
"Thank you. We love you and respect you for taking the time out for this calss to help us."
"I really enjoyed your class, you did an awesome job!
"I appreciate your honesty and love for God, it's humbling and blessed that you are an example of a Daughter of the King."
"The courses were very well explained with examples given. It was understandable."
“This was a very wonderful and blessed class. It will truly show all women there walk in Christ and the woman for God that God is trying to make them become…”
"I'm sorry that I didn't attend all the classes. I know that I would have learned valuable insight! Keep up the good work."
"Thank you for a great experience."
"I admire your elegance and greatly appreciate your help. I've saved the material to give to my daughter. Every woman should learn these things."
"I enjoyed these lessons and I regret missing the class on ballet. The skills covered in this series can't be underestimated. I appreciate your energy and attitude. You truly lead by example. "
"The education was just what I needed to help me move forward in my life, and help me in my life situations."
"Thank you for all you have showed me. I really enjoyed this class. it was a blessing from God. My God bless you both with lots of happiness in life."
"I enjoyed you guys coming out to do this class and I really enjoyed it. This class will help me move on in life."
"The courses were very well explained with examples given. It was understandable."
Student Says About Us
What Makes Us Better Podcast can be found on your local Podcast sites, (Podbean, Spotify, etc if you search P31FS) or select it below.