Introduction to Video Lessons
Group Bible Studies
These on-line Bible Studies include Study Sheets as well as video sessions with a subject matter to build your Life Skills through the words God has given especially to women.
Life Skills Classes
Special in-person classes for 20 or more participants are available. Our Directors will complete the 3 Lesson program in person for your group or organization.
Women’s Conferences
Our Directors are available to participate in Women’s Conferences as your special speaker. P31FS schedule conferences throughout the year in each of our locations.
Zoom Lessons
Our Lessons and guidance can be obtain through the use of on-line Zoom On-line events.
Our Curriculum for Study
Our goal is to empower Men and Women with knowledge and value for a better life. By gaining or regaining knowledge for your life skills, anyone can begin a new life by following God’s plan for them to make better choices.
God’s Fine China Teacup
This Lesson contains 5 sessions which will guide you to understanding who you are, how to move forward in your life when dealing with others and fears in life as well as the role of women in the church today.
Speak with Wisdom
The lesson name comes from God’s word in Proverbs 31 and deals with the importance of communication by knowing the basic skills, speaking the correct love language, electronic safety, and proper communication in business as well as speaking to and listening to God.
God is our Stylist
God has spoken to women in the Bible through metaphors and terms that only women understand; clothing, house decor, colors, etc. These 4 sessions reveal the word He has for all His children.
About Us
In today's fast paced world, there are men and women who are not coping with life well. Proverbs 31 Finishing School and Freedom Star Programs work with area missions and ministries to give life-skills to those in desperate need of help to find a new life. Then they can move forward with a brighter, more fulfilling future as sons and daughters of the King of Kings.
Rm 8:16-17, "The spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God and if children, then heirs - heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ,...
Our Courses
Even though the subject matter is the same for both women and men's programs, they are designed to be gender specific.
Finishing School Program
Respect for self & others Male/Female Relationships Women's role in church
Strength & Dignity Showing your Character Godly Hospitality
Poise & demeanor Body Types Dress for success How and where to shop Makeup the right way
Communication: Home, Relationships & Business
The 5 love languages Identifying Frends or Foes Internet safety
Making the most of your LIFE.
Freedom Star Program
How Losers Win Seeing yourself as a winner
Human Needs Knowledge, Justice. Belonging Integrity and Character Social behavior tips
Darkroom where negatives develop Anatomy of a failure Potential vs Performance The Me I see is The Me I'll be
Communication: A Powerful Thing at home and business
Love Languages Relationships & Roles
Making the most of your LIFE.
Each of our gifted Directors are experienced in teaching God’s word and bringing it alive in the skills for life today.
Tabatha McKinney
Podcast Director
Colleen Styer
Director in the State of Ohio
Ron Becker
Men's Freedom Star Director
Miriam Gail Becker
Yemi Olegunde
Director in Akiti Akiti, Nigeria
Renee Bruce
Director in the State of South Carolina
Recent Blog
What Makes Us Better Podcast can be found on your local Podcast sites, (Podbean, Spotify, etc if you search P31FS) or select it below.